marți, 7 iunie 2016


Clara, Negrut, Rex, Negru- cei 4 dintre cateii aflati la Centrul de Adoptii Iubirre care au fost depistati cu Dirofilaria (viermi la inima). Suntem socati de incidenta atat de mare a acestei boli si inca nu ne vine sa credem ca atat de multi catei din grija noastra sunt bolnavi. Aceasta afectiune este mortala in lipsa tratamentului... iar tratamentul este unul dificil si costisitor, dar care pana acum a dat rezultate in toate celelelalte cazuri pe care le-am avut.
Cei 4 trebuie sa inceapa administrarea medicamentului numit Immiticide cat mai repede. Acesta se administreaza la cabinetul veterinar, sunt supravegherea medicului, sub anestezie, iar cateii raman internati cateva zile dupa pentru a ne asigura ca nu sunt reactii adverse. Administrarea se face de 3 ori la rand, dupa care se repeta testul Snap 4dx.
Immiticide este foarte scump la noi in tara, am gasit sa il cumparam din Italia, avem nevoie de minim 3 cutii, iar pretul unuia este de 180 euro. La care se adauga coasturile la cabinet pentru administrare si internare, iar la final repetarea testului pentru a vedea daca raspund la tratament.
4 vieti in pericol si un cost greu de suportat. De asta avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru, al prietenilor care ajuta cateii din centrul de adoptii. Impreuna ii putem ajuta.
Ii puteti ajuta donand pentru ei orice suma de bani in contul Asociatia Red Panda, CIF:29856924
IBAN: RO72 PIRB 4237 7350 1300 1000 Piraeus Bank sau paypal cu mentiunea "pentru cei 4".
Cateii pe care ii ajutati sunt:
- Clara, o tanara femela nascuta intr-un adapost, a supravietuit jigodiei cand era puiut, a ajuns in grija noastra de curand si speram ca dupa ce se face bine sa isi gaseasca si o familie
- Negrut, prins de hingheri si recuperat, a trait toata viata lui pe strazi, un mascul linistit si docil caruia speram sa ii schimbam destinul
- Rex, un mix de pekinez gasit pe strazi, un caracter mare intr-un corp mic
- Negru, un caine batranel trecut prin multe dureri si suferinte fizice si emotionale
Va multumim!!

Clara, Negru, Rex, Negru- the 4 dogs from the adoption center diagnosed with Dirofilaria (heartworms). We are still in shock that we have such a high number of dogs suffering from this disease. This is a deadly disease in lack of treatment…and the treatment is a difficult and expensive one, but with good results in all other cases we had.
The 4 dogs must start the treatment as soon as possible with Immiticide. This drug needs to be done at the vet practice, under a vet surveillance, under anesthesia and the dogs must stay accommodated at the vet for some days to make sure there are no side effects. The treatment is 3 shots in a row, after which the snap 4dx test will be redone.
The drug called Immiticide is very expensive in Romania, we found a better price for it in Italy, we need at least 3 boxes and the price for just one in 180 euros. Plus the vet costs, administration, accommodation and anesthesia and the snap test to see if they responded to the treatment.
4 lives in danger and a hard to cover expense. This is why we need your help, the help of our friends who support the dogs from the adoption center. Together we can make a difference for them. You can help them by donation any amount of money in the bank account Asociatia Red Panda, CIF:29856924
IBAN: RO72 PIRB 4237 7350 1300 1000 Piraeus Bank or using paypal, mentioning “help for the 4”.

The dogs you help are:
- Clara, a young female, born in a crowded shelter, who sufferend and survived Distemper when she was a pup, is in our care for few months and hopefully after she will get well a nice family will fall in love with her.
- Negrut, a calm gentle adult male, who lived his whole life on the streets, rescued from the public shelter,
- Rex, a small sized dog found on the streets, a small dog with a big personality
- Negru, an older dog that has been through a lot of pain and suffering, physical and emotional

Thank you for your support!!

2 comentarii:

  1. Buna ziua,
    Din nefericire catelul meu este in aceeasi situatie dar nu stim de unde sa achizitionam Immiticide. Ne puteti indruma?

    1. Buna ziua, incercati sa contactati Red Panda ori grupurile de profil de pe facebook gen oferte/schimburi medicamente uz uman/veterinar etc




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