sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2016

1 caz special: oare iepurasul va interveni?

Pet Stuff added 4 new photos.
18 hrs ·
Povestea Clarei si ultima ei sansa la viata....
Buna! Eu sunt Clara (10 ani) si am mare nevoie de ajutorul vostru! Orice SHARE din partea voastra pentru mine inseamna o ultima sansa la viata...
Povestea mea ar trebui sa fie una frumoasa si fericita, dar din pacate se intampla sa nu fie asa frown emoticon... Se spune ca noi cainii de rasa am avea mai mult noroc decat confratii nostrii maidanezi, dar eu am sa va demonstrez contrariul...
Candva am avut si eu o familie, o familie frumoasa pe care o iubeam si ma iubeau, dar care, din motive nestiute de mine au ales sa ma abandoneze si eu sa ajung intr-un adapost. Aici incepe cosmarul vietii mele...teama si spaima au pus stapanire pe mine, varsta si bolile batranetii au inceput sa-si spuna cuvantul.
Dar, intr-o zi, unui suflet frumos i s-a facut mila de mine si mi-a oferit o a doua sansa, sansa pe care eu am ratat-o....din cauza fricii si a durerilor articulare ( de care acest om bun nu stia ), am muscat de doua ori mana care m-a salvat, apoi am muscat si o alta persoana. Credeti-ma, eu nu vroiam sa fac asta, dar orice atingere imi provoca dureri si involuntar ma faceau sa ranesc oamenii! Acestia au cedat neputinciosi si cu durere in suflet m-au dus la clinica, au discutat cu Dr. Cristian Daniel Cristea , au lasat banii necesari eutanasierii si au plecat.
Minute in sir ne-am uitat unul in ochii celuilalt....eu implorand mila, el neputand sa ma "omoare".
De 2 luni stau in clinica - Pet Stuff - intr-o boxa. Medical am fost ajutata cu tot ceea ce este necesar, insa durerile s-au atenuat. Vlad Popescu colaboratorul specializat in dresaj canin vine zilnic si lucreaza cu mine, dar EU, EU AM NEVOIE DE UN OM - un om care sa-mi inteleaga nevoile, un om care sa imi ofere un colt de curte sau un padoc (chiar si in afara Bucurestiului - transportul fiind asigurat de catre clinica Pet Stuff ), un loc unde sa pot sa imi traiesc linistita ultimii mei ani din viata. Traiul intr-o boxa de doar 1 m² nu imi prieste deloc, chiar agravandu-mi starea. Spatiul ingust si lipsa de miscare ma fac sa fiu foarte agitata, sa latru si sa musc din gratiile boxei, ranindu-ma. Personalul clinicii fac tot posibilul sa imi ofere tot confortul, dar din pacate si ei au ajuns la incapacitatea de a ma mai ajuta.
Daca tu poti sa imi oferi toate acestea, plus ceva iubire si din cand in cand cate o mangaiere si o vorba buna, eu te astept cumintica in "casuta" mea de la Pet Stuff.
Va rog , dati SHARE la povestea mea, poate acolo undeva OMUL MEU ma astepta !
Pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa il contactati pe Dr. Cristian Daniel Cristea la nr. de telefon 0723.683.806
Va multumesc frumos din sufletelul meu de caine !
The story of Clara and her last chance of life .....
Hello! My name is Clara and I’m 10 years old. The reason for this message is due to the fact that and I really need your HELP! Any SHARE from your part could be for me my last chance of life ....
My story should have been a beautiful and a happy one, but unfortunately it happens to be quite sad. It is often said that us the breed dogs have more luck than our fellow strays, but I at this point I have to prove the contrary .....
I once had a beautiful family where I had love but for reasons unknown to me, they’ve chosen to abandon me and I ended up in a shelter. Here has begun the nightmare of my life ... fear and terror took possession of me, age and aging diseases started to say the word.
But one day, a beautiful soul took pity on me and gave me a second chance, a chance that I dreamt of….. because of fear and joint pain (for this good man did not know), I bit the hand that saved me twice, then also another person. Believe me, I did not want to do that, but every touch me cause pain and harm people unwittingly made me! After a while they gave up on me and with pain in their hearts took me to the clinic and talked with DVM Cristian Daniel Cristea in order for me to euthanasia payed the money and left. For long minutes we looked into each other's eyes .... He was unable to put me to sleep. For 2-month now I’m living in the clinic - Pet Stuff – and I’m quite loud. The medical team here has been helping me with everything necessary and made my pain go away. Vlad Popescu collaborator who specializes in canine training comes every day and works with me, but I dream, I still need a man - a man that understands my needs, a man that can provide me a corner of the yard or paddock ( even outside Bucharest - transport being provided by the clinic Pet Stuff), a place where I can live in quiet my last years of his life. Living in a box of only 1 m² it’s not a life for me at all and it’s only making me condition worse. Narrow space and lack of exercise make me very nervous, to bark and bite the speaker bars, wounding me. The staff do their best to give me comfort, but unfortunately they reached inability to help me. If you can give me all this plus some of the love and the occasional consolation and a good talk, I'll wait quietly in the "box" My Pet Stuff. Please, give my story SHARE, I still believe there’s A MAN somewhere for me. For more details please contact DVM. Cristian Daniel Cristea no. Telephone 0723.683.806 From a dogs heart ! Thank you ! CLARA

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