sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2015

tinem labutele doamnei Comiza pentru o recuperare rapida

Astazi Eugenia a suferit un atac vascular cerebral si a fost spitalizata. Nu se stie cand va putea reveni acasa, dar stim ca are nevoie de toate gandurile voastre bune. Niciodata nu ne gandim la ce ni se poate intampla, pentru ca daca am face-o, ar insemna sa renuntam a mai trai.
Primul ei gand a fost la pisicutele pe care le are acasa si la ce se va intampla cu ele. Acum Nicu a ramas singurul care ar trebui sa aiba grija si de Eugenia si de pisicute.
Va rugam din suflet sa o ajutati in aceste momente cumplite. Cei care o cunoasteti deja pe Eugenia, stiti cu siguranta cat s-a luptat pentru multe dintre sufletele ce le are in grija si ca nu le-a abandonat niciodata, oricat de greu a fost.
In primul rand au nevoie de adoptii. Din fericire, cinci dintre ele vor pleca la sfarsitul lunii, dar si acestea numai daca vom putea aduna banutii necesari pentru a plati biletele si pasapoartele.
In cazul acesta ar mai ramane 10 pisicute sanatoase, 4 paralizate, Didi cu probleme de urinare si Dulcinea cu diabet. Asta pe langa Zorro, Codi si Bughi, si ei paralizati.
Avem nevoie de sprijinul vostru pentru a ajuta aceste suflete, dar mai ales pe Jimmy (paralizat), Norocel (paralizat si FIV pozitiv), Nadia (paralizata) si Tigruta (Paralizata), carora le trebuie vidata vezica manual. Daca stiti pe cineva dispus sa ne ajute sau unul dintre voi are experienta necesara, va rugam din suflet sa ne dati de stire. Asiguram mancarea si custile daca este nevoie.
De asemenea, ne puteti ajuta distribuind albumele lor de adoptii, sunt pisicute afectuoase, frumoase si care merita o viata de poveste. Ajutandu-le sa ajunga acasa, o ajutam si pe Eugenia sa ii fie mai usor atat in aceste clipe, cat si pe viitor.
Today Eugenia had a stroke and she was hospitalized. We don't know yet when she will be back home, but what we do know is that she needs all our positive thoughts. We can never tell what life has in store for us. If we do, it means we give up living.
Her first thought went to her beloved kitties, the ones she has been caring for in the Ladybug kindergarden. Now Nicu, her husband, is the only one left to take care of both Eugenia and the cats.
We ask you from the bottom of our hearts, please help her in these moments.
The ones who do know Eugenia are aware that she has fought hard for many of the poor souls she had in her care and she never abandoned them, no matter the hardships and obstacles. Please don't let her face all this alone.
First and foremost, she needs adopters for the cats. Luckily 5 of them will leave for the new homes at the end of the month, IF we can raise the money for their tickets and their passports.
After this, we're left with 10 healthy kitties, 4 paralyzed ones, Didi with urinary problems, and Dulcinea with diabetes, in addition to her own Zorro, Codi, and Bughi, in turn paralyzed.
We need your support in order to help these poor souls, especially Jimmy (paralyzed) and Norocel (paralyzed, FIV-positive), who need to have their bladder emptied manually. If you happen to know somebody who can help us with this, who has the necessary experience with this, please, please let us know. We will secure the food and necessary crates, if needed.
You can also help us by sharing the cats' albums, they are very loving kitties, very beautiful, and they deserve a good life. By helping them find a home, we help Eugenia get through these dire straits, both now, and in the future...

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