joi, 14 august 2014

proiect Kola Kariola pt oameni si catei

Cerere de aderare pentru acest grup fac oamenii care doresc sa sustina financiar cu minim 40 roni, extinderea spatiului de cazare pentru catei in adapostul Asociatiei de protectie a animalelor KOLA KARIOLA si transformarea adapostului intr-un Centru de adoptii. Adapostul are nevoie de suma de 40.000 roni pentru a asigura spatii optime de cazare pentru inca 100 - 150 de caini (in functie de talie, varsta, probleme) si loc de joaca si spatiu de vizitare si socializare pentru centru de adoptie pe o suprafata de 4000 mp pentru 400 de catei.
Pare a fi unul dintre cele mai grele proiecte initiate dar eu cred in el si in cei 1000 de oameni pe care ii caut. Va spuneam ca in brate cu Alia, ultima mama cu pui luata de pe strada acum cateva zile, am realizat ca cea mai mare fericire dupa o familie care sa adopte un catel este un loc sigur in care putem duce un caine aflat in pericol pe strazi, un caine care ne sfasie sufletul dar pe care nu mai avem loc sa il aducem acasa. Un loc in care sa fie hranit si sa fie ingrijit pana reusim sa ii gasim familie sau sa-i facem loc la noi in casa. Locul lor nu este in adaposturi, trebuie sa depunem toate eforturile sa ii trimitem ACASA, dar suntem cu totii depasiti de situatie si numarul sufletelor aflate in pericol este mai mare decat putem duce acasa fiecare dintre cei implicati. Am pus pe Alia imaginea acestui grup, Alia pentru care 3 zile nu am fost om cautand solutii sa o iau din strada impreuna cu cei 6 pui ai ei. Stiu ca durerea asta este in sufletul multora dintre noi, acest proiect nu rezolva problema cainilor de pe strada si durerile noastre din suflet, dar este un pas. Voi reveni cu poze schite de proiect si detalii de costuri pe fiecare amenajare in parte. Vom avea si canapele in locul de joaca din materiale donate Ca de obicei in evenimentele organizate de mine vom avea permanent o situatie clara a incasarilor, cheltuielilor, imagini si detalii despre mersul proiectului furnizate de asociatie si verificate prin vizite. Cine poate furniza materiale necesare (tevi, plasa, osb, beton) este rugat sa ne informeze. Orice idei si propuneri constructive sunt asteptate cu drag!
Asociatia a deschis conturi special dedicate acestui proiect si ne va furniza zilnic extrasele de cont. Datele bancare pentru colectarea sumelor necesare acestui proiect: Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Kola Kariola CIF: 33115589, Raiffaisen Bank, RON : RO31RZBR0000060016698773, EUR: RO25RZBR0000060016698784, Cod Swift RZBRROBU, paypal.
Membership request for this group will be made by people who want to financially support with at least 40 roni, extending accommodation for dogs in the shelter of Animal Protection Association KOLA KARIOLA and transformation into a center-shelter adoptions.The shelter needs 40,000 roni to ensure an optimum accommodation space for another 100 to 150 dogs (depending on size, age, problems) a playground and a space for visiting and socializing adoption center on an area of 4000 sqm for 400 dogs.
It seems to be one of the hardest projects I initiated but I believe in it and in the 1,000 people that I look for. I can tell you that having Alia in my arms, the last mother with small puppies that I found on the street a few days ago, I realized that the greatest happiness after a family willing to adopt a dog is a safe place where we can get a dog in danger from the streets, a dog that rips out our soul but we no longer have room to bring it home. A place to be fed and to be cared, until we can find them a family or to make room in our house. Their place is not in shelters, we must make every effort to send them home, but we are all overwhelmed by the situation and the number of souls in distress. The group image is my Alia,for Alia I was man seeking solutions for 3 days to take her from the street with her six puppies. I know the pain that's inside many of us, this project does not solve the problem of the street dogs, or our sorrows, but it is a step forward. I will return with pictures and drawings of the project, cost details on each fitting partially. We will have couches on the playground. At the events organized by me I will always have a clear situation of revenues, expenses, images and details about the ongoing project by the Association and verified by visits. Who can provide the necessary materials (pipes, mesh, engineered concrete) is asked to inform us. Any constructive ideas and suggestions are welcome!
Association opened special accounts dedicated to this project and we will provide daily statements. Data bank to collect the amounts required for the project: Association for Animal Protection Kola Kariola CIF: 33115589, Raiffaisen Bank, RON: RO31RZBR0000060016698773, EUR: RO25RZBR0000060016698784, Swift Code RZBRROBU, paypal.

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