luni, 14 iulie 2014


Am intalnit-o la un show,si am ramas vrajita..Cu zambetul pe buze ,in ochi si in suflet , plina de energie si culoare , puternica si independenta..Aceasta este Dana si asa se arata tuturor. Mult mai tarziu am aflat secretul acestei minunate FEMEI ..De 5 ani se lupta cu nemilosul cancer, plecat de la san si evoluat in metastaze pe coloana vertebrala (diagnosticul exact : neoplasm mamar ductal/lobular infiltrat cu multiple metastaze osoase )..Am fost socata. Totul este atat de nedrept ! Are doar 38 de ani si atat de mult de oferit !!! Isi doreste cu ardoare sa devina mama, este implicata in multe cauze umanitare , face voluntariat,vrea sa vada lumea, iubeste tot ce o inconjoara. Cumva a reusit sa gaseasca in ea puterea de a lupta impotriva cancerului dansand..La propriu ..Tango !!! Tot Tango (Be Tango Wish Come True ) se numeste si cainele ei. Prietenul ei de nadejde si fiinta din care Dana i-si trage puterea de a merge mai departe..Sunt ,parca , un singur suflet in doua fiinte. Dana si Tango ..Aceste notiuni nu pot fi separate,nu poti rosti doar numele unuia dintre ei...
Daca totul nu era destul de greu sau destul de trist pana in acest moment in viata prietenei mele ,a primit si o veste care ne-a paralizat pe toti: timp de aproape 2 ani i-a fost administrat un tratament gresit !! Acum are nevoie de un tratament facut la o clinica din afara tarii in speranta ca se va putea repara ceva din raul facut. Dar cancerul este o boala costisitoare iar Dana nu se mai poate ajuta singura. Are nevoie ca noi toti sa-i fim alaturi. Ea are nevoie de noi si eu am nevoie de ea !!! NU vreau sa-mi pierd prietena , NU vreau un Tango fara Dana !!! Deci fac apel la toti cei care pot si doresc sa-mi ajute prietena ,orice suma cat de mica poate face diferenta !! Donatiile se pot face in conturile deschise la Unicredit Bank pe numele ENE DANIELA CRISTINA :

RO11BACX0000000180951000, RON
RO81BACX0000000180951001, EUR
Paypal :

I meet her in a dog show,I was enchanted...With big smile on her face, her eyes ,her soul, full of energy and color ,strong and independent.. This is Dana and this way is showing her self to us. Later I find that this magnificent WOMAN is hiding a dark secret. For 5 long years she s fighting against merciless breast cancer,evolved with metastases on her spinal. I was shocked ! It is so unfair !
She's only 38 years old and so much to offer !! Ardently wants to become a mother, is involved in humanitarian activities, volunteer ,wants to see the world, love all that surrounds her.Somehow ,she found the strength to fight with cancer dancing..Dancing literally..Tango !!! Also ,the name of her great dane breed dog is Tango (Be Tango Wish Come True ). Her reliable friend , the pure soul which give to Dana the power to move forward.They are one soul in two bodies..Dana and Tango... These concepts can not be separated, you can not just say the name of one of them ...
If it was not hard enough or sad enough up to this point in life my friend, also she received a news that paralyzed us all: for nearly two years she was given the wrong treatment! Now she needs a treatment done at a clinic outside the country in the hope that it will be able to repair some of the damage done. But cancer is an expensive disease and Dana can not help herself anymore. She needs all of us to be near her. She needs us and I need her ! I do not want to lose my friends, I don t want a Tango without Dana! So I appeal to all those who can and want to help my friend, any small amount can make a difference ! Donations can be made in accounts opened on Unicredit Bank by the name of : ENE DANIELA CRISTINA

RO11BACX0000000180951000, RON
RO81BACX0000000180951001, EUR
Paypal :

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