vineri, 25 aprilie 2014

apelul Ioanei Sotir ref. cateii e care are grija

(ENGLISH BELOW) Nu v-am mai spus demult necazurile mele...le-am lasat sa se stranga,pana m-au sufocat si am ajuns,din nou,in situata critica ,in care nu ma mai pot descurca.Stiu ca intotdeauna m-ati ajutat,de cele mai multe ori aceleasi persoane m-au ajutat...poate ma scoateti si acum din situatia fara iesire in care ma aflu.Marea majoritate a problemelor ,vin de la cei 10 cateii pe care ii am in foster ,pentru care trebuie sa platesc 750 lei/luna chiria si trebuie sa cumpar mancare de 2800 lei /luna (1 sac 15 kg de boabe junior si 40 de conserve pe saptamana)...sunt 3500 lei ,pe care nu am de unde sa ii mai scot....hrana cainilor de la padure ma costa 130 lei/zi.
Am datorii la cabinete veterinare ,dr Mihai Stanescu, Cucu Corina si de la Onevet primesc telefoane in care sunt rugata sa imi achit datoria de peste 800 de lei.
Nici daca imi vand sufletul,ca altceva nu mai am,nu reusesc sa fac rost de bani.
Va rog sa ne intindeti o mana de ajutor,daca se poate....macar sa imi achit datoriile la cabinete si sa platesc fosterul,pana se va indura cineva si de micuti sa ii adopte.
IBAN: RO18RNCB0089020869140001 BCR
Beneficiar: Vasile SotirSWIFT:RNCBROBU
I've not told you in a long time now my sorrows....i let them gather until they chocked me, and i got back in the critical situation, in which i can't handle it anymore. I know that you always have helped me, most of the times the same persons helped me....maybe you can pull me out even this time from this deadlock that I'm in. Most of my problems come from the 10 dogs that I have in foster, for whom i have to pay rent 168 euro/month and another 628 euro/month to buy them food ( 1 bag of 15 kilos junior dry food and 40 cans of wet food every week)...they are 784 euro, money that i don't have how to come up with anymore...and on top of it there is the food that i have to buy for the dogs from the forest, 30 euro/day. I'm in debts at the vets dr. Mihai Stanescu, Cucu Corina and Onevet - they call me and beg me to pay my debts of over 179 euro.
Please, can you give us a hand at least to pay my debts at the vets and the fosters for the dogs, until someone will have a heart to adopt these little ones!
IBAN: RO18RNCB0089020869140001 BCR
Beneficiar: Vasile SotirSWIFT:RNCBROBU

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