vineri, 21 iunie 2013

apel pt alt catel
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UPDATE 20.06.2013
Catelusa a fost operata, iar acum se afla in perioada de refacere. Are o atela prinsa pe picior pentru a-i obliga osul sa se sudeze normal. Din pacate, vineri este ultima zi in care mai poate fi tinuta internata, iar in adapost nu poate ajunge inca in aceasta stare.

Avem nevoie de cazarea ei in perioada 21-28 iunie.

Daca ne puteti ajuta, va rugam sa ne trimiteti un mail pe adresa


Dear friends, we are facing a big dilemma and we need your help to solve it. A few days ago we received a request to help in the case of a female doggy with a broken paw. We thought it was about a fresh fracture, but it wasn't like that. The girl has two fractures:
- distal femur fracture from the growth plate and
- distal tibia fracture from the growth plate.
There are three possible approaches to this case:
1. We leave the paw the way it healed itself (on a wrong position) and she will live with this burden for the rest of her life.
2. We amputate the paw so she will get rid of the burden, but she will only have three legs - she will be able to live like that; or
3. We try to repair the paw, with the risks it implies, meaning it's possible that her articulations cannot be redone and the paw would not function properly, the dog would only be able to use it as a support for the body weight, in the worst case scenario. On the other hand, it's possible that she will regain full function of the paw, in time, but there's no guarantee.
The third option is the most expensive and, taking our financial difficulties into account, we cannot apply it. The surgery to repair the paw costs 1100 RON, and we don't have that money.
A few days ago we paid a 2000 RON debt to the clinics we collaborate with and we are still owing 3000 RON for the special cases and the neutering program.
The worst thing is that the surgery must be made urgently. The longer we postpone it, the less effective it will be.
Help us make a decision and, if you can afford it, contribute to our efforts to help the little one. We remind you the accounts in which you can donate for her.
If we don't raise the sum of 1100 RON urgently, it will be impossible for us to apply the option no 3.

Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi
CIF 13765439 BCR 2
Cont RON: BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Cont EURO: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005
Cont USD: BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004
or through PayPal (available on
Because your opinion matters a lot to us, please write to us which option would you choose and if you can help the doggy financially.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your help.
Dragi prieteni suntem intr-o mare dilema si va cerem ajutorul ca s-o rezolvam. Acum cateva zile am primit o solicitare de ajutor in cazul unei cateluse cu o labuta rupta. Credeam ca s-a intamplat curand dar lucrurile n-au stat asa. Catelusa are doua fracturi:
- fractura distala femur din platoul de crestere si
- fractura distala tibie din platul de crestere.
In acest caz exista trei variante:

1 - lasam labuta catelusei asa cum s-a sudat si asta inseamna ca va avea o povara pentru tot restul vietii

2 - amputam labuta si o scapam in felul acesta de povara dar va ramane in trei labute si va putea trai asa sau

3 - incercam sa-i refacem labuta cu riscurile de rigoare adica poate fi posibil ca articulatiile sa nu poata fi refacute si sa nu mai functioneze deci labuta va folosi in cel mai rau caz doar ca punct de sprijin. Pe de alta parte e posibil ca in timp sa-si recapete mobilitatea dar nimeni nu poate garanta asta.

Ce-a de-a treia varianta este cea mai costisitoare si tinand cont de situatia in care suntem nu o putem pune in practica. Operatia de refacere a labutei ne costa 1100 lei, bani de care nu dispunem.
Zilele trecute am achitat o datorie de 2000 lei cabinetelor cu care colaboram si aveam inca datorii in valoare de 3000 pentru cazuri speciale si programul de sterilizari.

Partea proasta este ca operatia de refacere trebuie facuta urgent. Cu cat amanam mai mult cu atat operatia nu-si va mai atinge scopul.

Ajutati-ne sa luam o decizie si daca va sta in puteri ajutati-ne s-o putem ajuta pe aceasta micuta . Va reamintim conturile in care puteti dona pt ea.
Daca nu vom strange urgent suma de 1100 lei nu vom putea aplica varianta 3.
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi
CIF 13765439 BCR 2
Cont RON: BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Cont EURO: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005
Cont USD: BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004
sau prin serviciul online PayPal (disponibil pe )
Pentru ca parerea voastra conteaza foarte mult pentru noi va rugam sa ne scrieti ce varianta alegeti si daca puteti ajuta financiar catelusa.
Va multumim din suflet pentru ajutor.

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