vineri, 9 octombrie 2009

NOUTATI MEDICALE PENTRU ANIMALUTE din ziarul Telegraph UK si de pe

Vindecarea catelului Henry, cu ajutorul unei noi metode terapuetice experimentate la Universitatea Cambridge, din Marea Britanie, da sperante si pacientilor umani paralizati.

Soricarul Henry, in varsta de sase ani, a ramas paralizat in luna noiembrie a anului trecut, datorita rupturii unui disc intervertebral.
Recent, el a beneficiat insa de interventia lui Nick Jeffery si Robin Franklin, profesori la Universitatea Cambridge, care l-au tratat cu ajutorul unei noi metode: au extras din nasul cainelui celule pe care le-au injectat in coloana vertebrala. Aceste celule de un tip special s-au dovedit capabile sa ajute la regenerarea fibrelor nervoase.
Ca urmare, cainele poate face acum cativa pasi si poate sa dea din coada. El urmeaza sedinte de fizioterapie si este monitorizat permanent de medicii veterinari.
Cei doi specialisti experimentasera metoda, anterior, pe sobolani si au decis sa o incerce si pe caini, deoarece unele rase sufera frecvent de leziuni ale coloanei vertebrale.
Specialistii considera ca metoda are un potential enorm si, daca experimentele pe caini vor da rezultatele asteptate, in cativa ani tratamentul va putea fi incercat si in cazul oamenilor ramasi paralizati din cauza unor leziuni ale coloanei.
Sursa: Mail Online;

Paralysed dog cured by stem cell treatment

A miniature dachshund, Henry, is walking again after pioneering treatment that took stem cells from his nose and implanted them in his back to fix his damaged spine.
By Alastair Jamieson

Henry the dog who lost the use of his legs a year ago, underwent an operation to successfully repair ruptured discs Photo: GEOFF ROBINSON
The smooth-haired six-year-old dog, who lost the use of his legs a year ago, underwent an operation to successfully repair ruptured discs.
The treatment, carried out by scientists at the veterinary school of Cambridge University, could be used to cure humans with spinal injuries.
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Stem cells could be used to cure deafnessHenry's owner, Sarah Beech, 34, from Birmingham, said: "It is incredible, I didn't think Henry would ever walk again, but over the last few months he has been wagging his tail and taking steps.
"The vet told me to put him to sleep because he wouldn't have a very good quality of life and he was very depressed. But this really helped."
Henry had always enjoyed going for walks but suddenly lost the use of his legs about a year ago.
"One day he yelped when I picked him up and two days later he couldn't walk," she added. "The discs in his back were pushing into his spinal cord and eventually he lost the use of his back legs and continence.
"I think he may have fallen down the stairs at some point before I bought him as his spine was quite badly damaged."
Henry was given an operation to ease the pressure on his spine, but it did not work so he was enrolled in the Cambridge University trial. Cells were harvested from his nose in March and injected back into his spine after four weeks and Henry took his first steps one month later.
"He can take at least four steps now so he is making good progress," said Sarah. "His tail is also starting to get back to its original shape which shows he is getting some feeling back."
Scientists originally found the treatment worked very effectively on rats. Vets Professor Nick Jeffery and Professor Robin Franklin, who are running the trial, Cambridge University, decided to treat dogs with the procedure because spinal injuries are common in many breeds.
"Most dogs with spinal injuries can be treated conventionally and make a good recovery, but this procedure is intended for particularly severe cases," said Dr Jeffery.
"Cells are collected from inside the back of the nose as these special cells are capable of supporting the growth of new nerve fibres.
"We then increase the cell numbers, purify them and place them back into the damaged region of the spinal cord, where they help new fibres to grow."
After the procedure dogs are given physiotherapy and monitored on a treadmill to see how much movement has returned to their legs.
"The potential of this procedure is enormous," he added.
"We hope if the results are positive in a few years time the treatment could perhaps be used to help people."

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